The level of competence v.s. the level of commitment
- be prepared to be called upon if I don’t hear from you (facilitator technique)
Self-esteem includes:
- Your self-worth
- Your self-respect
Self-esteem at work influenced by
- The thing you say to people
- The way you treat people
Self-esteem builders
- Providing sincere and specific praise
- Asking about a work or personal event
- Asking for ideas
- Describing the specific contribution brought to a task
- Listening & acknowledging concerns
Self-esteem is how u feel about yourself.
It is your confidence in your ability to handle life challenges
Trust is personal and its definition is different from one to one
leadership is what you do with people, not to people!
On Listening
Listen when your tendency is to
- Reject
- Ignore
- Defend
- Disagree
- Take it personally
(Coaching Tip, this is where you need to grow)