
KMP II: Kanban Management Professional – LeanKanban

I attended “KMP II: Kanban Management Professional” course in November 2018. I received “KMP” designation from LeanKanban University as a result of attending and successfully finishing the training.

LeanKanban is introducing their approach as the alternative path to agility.

If you are interested, this is how LeanKanban defines Kanban

Kanban is a method of organizing and managing professional services work.  It uses Lean concepts such as limiting work in progress to improve results.


The KMP II: Kanban Management Professional class focuses on the rollout and daily operation of a Kanban system.  You will consider what type of Kanban initiative is most appropriate for your organization and how to manage and evolve it over time without trauma.

Learn how to improve agility with asymmetrical commitment and cadences.  The class also covers recommended meetings, handling metrics, and setting policy.

Course content

  • Building an Information Flow: the 7 Cadences
  • Dealing with resistance to WIP limits
  • Understand asymmetrical commitment
  • Rollout phases for a Kanban initiative
  • Developing a service orientation
  • Kanban Values: a different approach to introducing kanban
  • Scumban case study
  • Managing evolutionary change
In this class, you learn how to use the full Kanban method beyond designing and introducing Kanban systems, how to get to pull at the enterprise scale, how to implement organizational feedback loops with Kanban cadences, and various practical approaches to improvement.
Full description and agenda of this two-day training class are available on the main Kanban Management Professional (KMP II) page.
This training class has substantial prerequisites. It is strongly recommended that you’ve done the following prior to attending this class. Such knowledge and practical experience are crucial inputs into your KMP II training experience.
Completed the Kanban System Design (KMP I) class. You can do this with us or any other Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT). You can ask us for recommendations of other trainers if our offerings don’t fit your schedule.

Practiced what you’ve learned in your KMP I, particularly using STATIK (the Systems Thinking Approach to Introducing Kanban) to design unique Kanban systems in your business environment, and operating such systems for at least short period of time.

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