Paul Alofs
- Transformational change needs disruptive leaders!
- You can never step into a river (the same) twice.
- Disruptive leaders most valuable asset? Passion Capital!
- To read:
- J&J Creed
- Deloitte Change Survey
John Maxwell
- One man with courage is the majority!
- If you are good you don’t need an introduction, and if you are not it won’t help you.
- A level-2 leader listens better and in depth.
- Get off vision & focus on culture. Vision is what you want to see, culture is what you actually do.
- A level-2 leader is a terrific servant leaders.
- When you stop loving people you should stop leading them.
- A level-3 leader has moral authority.
- If you want to be a leader get good at what you are doing. People will line up to be your follower.
- A level-3 leader lead by example. He/She leads out of what you learned today, not yesterday’s. If latter, you are a history teacher.
- Momentum is leader’s best friend.
- A level-3 leader attracts better people.
- For level-4 leader reproduction is key
- On level 3 you add On level 4 you compound
- Level-4 leaders are best recruiters Good at training & equipping people
- 5 step equipment process (simple)
- I do it (& be good at it)
- I do it & you are with me
- You do it & I will be with you
- You do it
- You do it & somebody else is with you (The Magic Step).
- For level-5: people on company put you on this level
- Their response is based on what level they are on with you.
Jeremy Gutsche