
AKC, Accredited Kanban Consultant

I am extremely happy and excited to share that I have become an AKC, an Accredited Kanban Consultant, as of November 2022. (Shahin Sheidaei Profile)

This was a journey of deep learning, immense exploration, and knowledge sharing with peers and Kanban enthusiasts. My Kanban journey started a while back, and it has not stopped yet. I am now looking to further opportunities to utilize my skillset in consulting clients, teaching Kanban, and improving our community! In this journey, I have to thank my instructors and mentors, Alexei Zheglov, Bernadette Dario, Anna Radzikowska, David Anderson, Joey Spooner, Todd Little, and Dave White. This journey not only led me to new heights, but I am happy to make some new friends, motivators, and mentors along the path. First and foremost is Dave White, who highly motivated me to take on AKC after a very casual conversation on the Lean On Agile (& Elevate Change) Show. Horia Balog to encourage and ignite information pulling from different sources to become successful, and Martin Aziz, Fernando Cuenca, Geoffrey Beers, Karen Ruby, Stuart Oakley, and Daniel Ploeg for constant support and encouragement from the community.

About AKC:
“The AKC is the highest-level credential in Kanban world with the hardest path to achievement.” AKC Importance

“Accredited Kanban Consultants (AKCs) successfully coach change initiatives for improved service delivery using the Kanban approach. The AKC credential is worldwide recognition of achieving the mostย advanced qualification in coaching with Kanban.” AKC Value

The Change Leadership Masterclass is for consultants, coaches, change agents, managers, and Kanban practitioners who want to qualify for the AKC credential. An AKC must satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • Achieve the Kanban Management Professional (KMP) credential
  • Achieve the Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) credential
  • Attend the five-day Kanban University Certified Masterclass
  • Six months of verified experience in a Kanban initiative
  • Written essay submission
  • AKC Panel interview

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