Toronto Agile Conference 2016 has happened in November. It was a great selection of Agilists and Agile enthusiasts. It was jam packed with great stuff to learn. I have attended three sessions about leadership, project management in Spotify and Leadership again and one keynote about the Host Leadership. The followings are my notes from the conference. You can also find others & my tweets on that day with TOAgile2016 hashtag.
Doc Norton – Leadership Starts With An Invitation
WIIM – with closed eyes
Who influences and get authority by that
Spectrum / Continuum
Host Leadership: initiator, inviter, space creator, gatekeeper, connector & co-participator
Selena Delesie – Managers Nurture Teams to Thrive
Managers nurture their teams
3 Min discussion
- What managers do?
- Why does Agile fail?
- How do managers contribute to the failing agile teams?
Simon Cohen – Unaccountable: Better Project Management at Spotify
- Sense the need
- Collaboration to form approach
- Start small, scale later (in the context we want)
- Influence and be influenced
- Experiment, try things
- Let go of what doesn’t work