
How to convert your Blackberry notes to Android notes?

If you are trying to migrate from blackberry to the Android world, this article might help you. If you were heavily using notes in blackberry you find this article super useful.

Notes can be exported from blackberry to a computer using blackberry native program. After exporting them, you will see that they are stored as a msg format (the format outlook uses to store emails). Thus you need to convert it to a txt file, you can do that using msgText. However, if you are having lots of notes, task of converting each one to a text will be tiresome. What you can do is to copy the following text, save it as convert.bat file. Put the run.bat file where the msgText is, copy all notes in the same folder and run convert.bat.

%%f in (*.msg) do (

             call msgText “%%f”

You could expect txt files for each note and a folder containing a word format for each of your note. Then it’s easy, you need a google drive account, upload all text files to your google drive and then install google drive application on your android.

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