
Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open Solutions and Approaches

Selecting an appropriate rules-based engine requires balancing many different, and often, not well-understood properties such as business rules representation methods, rule history and life cycle management, and interoperability with external data sources. The Handbook of Research on Emerging Rule-Based Languages and Technologies: Open Solutions and Approaches provides a comprehensive collection of state-of-the-art advancements in rule…

Rule Modeling to Unify Policies and Processes in Service-Oriented Health Information Systems

The service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach offers many promises for the development of high-quality Health Information Systems (HISs) that utilize information such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs) from different parties. However, extreme privacy preservation requirements and the variety of deployment systems make development of HISs particularly challenging. To support HIS developers, we propose effective mechanisms and…

IAT 352

You can find complementary material for the IAT 352 course offered in Spring 2009, SFU, Surrey below. Course Description Course webpage (cached version) Course outline (cached version) Course Instructor (cached version) Course Teaching Assistant Complementary material XSLT XSLT introduction slideXSLT example1 catalog.xml cdcatalog.xsl cdcatalog_with_xsl.xml XSLT example2 class.xml class.xsl classoriginal.xml Servlet Servlet Introduction Slides Servlet Example (jserp) zip file Servlet Example code…


CHITBR is abbreviation for “Center of Human Islet Transportation and Beta-cell Registration”. If you ask me what that means I have no idea, so please visit their website and find out more. As the address of the site suggests CHITBR belongs to UBC and is a part of UBC university research labs. The design of…

IAT 351

“Advanced Human Computer Interaction” course has been offered in the school of interactive arts and technology at SFU. This course is focused on how better and easier a user interface could be developed.I acted as teaching assistant role for this course in spring 2008 semester in SIAT school of SFU. The course’s assignments were based on Java programming language (mostly related…