
Google Hosting and its problems

It is easy to use Google Sites, Google apps and Google blogs (next generation name for blogger). But it is not that easy to remember if you have registered your blog with one of these services long time ago or is it someone else ? I am saying that for those who encountered this problem in hosting their sites/blogs with the custom domain name with google blogging.
It says
Another blog or Google Site is already using this address.
Good luck finding that blog or one page that you created long time ago and deactivate it. I couldn’t find that, I wasn’t even sure if it was me that created it, so I ended up deactivating my whole google apps for my domain, and I am still waiting for it to deactivate to see if it solves the problem. I know google for privacy issues won’t let anyone know who is the one hosting your domain name on their sites. It is not fair to the real owner of the sites since even without confirmation that it is their own, you can ask google to host it on its google sites or blogger service. There should be some sort of approval for domains to add to your blog or sites. It might be as easy as first change the CNAME to and then use them with google sites, blogger service. That way one who has no control over a domain can’t add that to his/her account and blocking you from using it in future.
There should be some simple way to resolve this issue, and should have been at least addressed in one of blogger’s posts.

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